Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
00003  *
00004  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00005  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00006  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00007  *
00008  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
00009  *
00010  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00011  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00012  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00013  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00014  * limitations under the License.
00015  */
00023 #ifndef __RS_QUATERNION_RSH__
00024 #define __RS_QUATERNION_RSH__
00034 static void __attribute__((overloadable))
00035 rsQuaternionSet(rs_quaternion *q, float w, float x, float y, float z) {
00036     q->w = w;
00037     q->x = x;
00038     q->y = y;
00039     q->z = z;
00040 }
00047 static void __attribute__((overloadable))
00048 rsQuaternionSet(rs_quaternion *q, const rs_quaternion *rhs) {
00049     q->w = rhs->w;
00050     q->x = rhs->x;
00051     q->y = rhs->y;
00052     q->z = rhs->z;
00053 }
00060 static void __attribute__((overloadable))
00061 rsQuaternionMultiply(rs_quaternion *q, float s) {
00062     q->w *= s;
00063     q->x *= s;
00064     q->y *= s;
00065     q->z *= s;
00066 }
00073 static void
00074 rsQuaternionAdd(rs_quaternion *q, const rs_quaternion *rhs) {
00075     q->w *= rhs->w;
00076     q->x *= rhs->x;
00077     q->y *= rhs->y;
00078     q->z *= rhs->z;
00079 }
00089 static void
00090 rsQuaternionLoadRotateUnit(rs_quaternion *q, float rot, float x, float y, float z) {
00091     rot *= (float)(M_PI / 180.0f) * 0.5f;
00092     float c = cos(rot);
00093     float s = sin(rot);
00095     q->w = c;
00096     q->x = x * s;
00097     q->y = y * s;
00098     q->z = z * s;
00099 }
00110 static void
00111 rsQuaternionLoadRotate(rs_quaternion *q, float rot, float x, float y, float z) {
00112     const float len = x*x + y*y + z*z;
00113     if (len != 1) {
00114         const float recipLen = 1.f / sqrt(len);
00115         x *= recipLen;
00116         y *= recipLen;
00117         z *= recipLen;
00118     }
00119     rsQuaternionLoadRotateUnit(q, rot, x, y, z);
00120 }
00126 static void
00127 rsQuaternionConjugate(rs_quaternion *q) {
00128     q->x = -q->x;
00129     q->y = -q->y;
00130     q->z = -q->z;
00131 }
00139 static float
00140 rsQuaternionDot(const rs_quaternion *q0, const rs_quaternion *q1) {
00141     return q0->w*q1->w + q0->x*q1->x + q0->y*q1->y + q0->z*q1->z;
00142 }
00148 static void
00149 rsQuaternionNormalize(rs_quaternion *q) {
00150     const float len = rsQuaternionDot(q, q);
00151     if (len != 1) {
00152         const float recipLen = 1.f / sqrt(len);
00153         rsQuaternionMultiply(q, recipLen);
00154     }
00155 }
00162 static void __attribute__((overloadable))
00163 rsQuaternionMultiply(rs_quaternion *q, const rs_quaternion *rhs) {
00164     rs_quaternion qtmp;
00165     rsQuaternionSet(&qtmp, q);
00167     q->w = qtmp.w*rhs->w - qtmp.x*rhs->x - qtmp.y*rhs->y - qtmp.z*rhs->z;
00168     q->x = qtmp.w*rhs->x + qtmp.x*rhs->w + qtmp.y*rhs->z - qtmp.z*rhs->y;
00169     q->y = qtmp.w*rhs->y + qtmp.y*rhs->w + qtmp.z*rhs->x - qtmp.x*rhs->z;
00170     q->z = qtmp.w*rhs->z + qtmp.z*rhs->w + qtmp.x*rhs->y - qtmp.y*rhs->x;
00171     rsQuaternionNormalize(q);
00172 }
00181 static void
00182 rsQuaternionSlerp(rs_quaternion *q, const rs_quaternion *q0, const rs_quaternion *q1, float t) {
00183     if (t <= 0.0f) {
00184         rsQuaternionSet(q, q0);
00185         return;
00186     }
00187     if (t >= 1.0f) {
00188         rsQuaternionSet(q, q1);
00189         return;
00190     }
00192     rs_quaternion tempq0, tempq1;
00193     rsQuaternionSet(&tempq0, q0);
00194     rsQuaternionSet(&tempq1, q1);
00196     float angle = rsQuaternionDot(q0, q1);
00197     if (angle < 0) {
00198         rsQuaternionMultiply(&tempq0, -1.0f);
00199         angle *= -1.0f;
00200     }
00202     float scale, invScale;
00203     if (angle + 1.0f > 0.05f) {
00204         if (1.0f - angle >= 0.05f) {
00205             float theta = acos(angle);
00206             float invSinTheta = 1.0f / sin(theta);
00207             scale = sin(theta * (1.0f - t)) * invSinTheta;
00208             invScale = sin(theta * t) * invSinTheta;
00209         } else {
00210             scale = 1.0f - t;
00211             invScale = t;
00212         }
00213     } else {
00214         rsQuaternionSet(&tempq1, tempq0.z, -tempq0.y, tempq0.x, -tempq0.w);
00215         scale = sin(M_PI * (0.5f - t));
00216         invScale = sin(M_PI * t);
00217     }
00219     rsQuaternionSet(q, tempq0.w*scale + tempq1.w*invScale, tempq0.x*scale + tempq1.x*invScale,
00220                         tempq0.y*scale + tempq1.y*invScale, tempq0.z*scale + tempq1.z*invScale);
00221 }
00228 static void rsQuaternionGetMatrixUnit(rs_matrix4x4 *m, const rs_quaternion *q) {
00229     float xx = q->x * q->x;
00230     float xy = q->x * q->y;
00231     float xz = q->x * q->z;
00232     float xw = q->x * q->w;
00233     float yy = q->y * q->y;
00234     float yz = q->y * q->z;
00235     float yw = q->y * q->w;
00236     float zz = q->z * q->z;
00237     float zw = q->z * q->w;
00239     m->m[0]  = 1.0f - 2.0f * ( yy + zz );
00240     m->m[4]  =        2.0f * ( xy - zw );
00241     m->m[8]  =        2.0f * ( xz + yw );
00242     m->m[1]  =        2.0f * ( xy + zw );
00243     m->m[5]  = 1.0f - 2.0f * ( xx + zz );
00244     m->m[9]  =        2.0f * ( yz - xw );
00245     m->m[2]  =        2.0f * ( xz - yw );
00246     m->m[6]  =        2.0f * ( yz + xw );
00247     m->m[10] = 1.0f - 2.0f * ( xx + yy );
00248     m->m[3]  = m->m[7] = m->m[11] = m->m[12] = m->m[13] = m->m[14] = 0.0f;
00249     m->m[15] = 1.0f;
00250 }
00252 #endif