This package provides the classes and interfaces needed to specify keys and parameter for encryption. The following standards are supported:
Keys may be specified via algorithm or in a more abstract and general way with ASN.1.
Keys and algorithm parameters are specified for the following procedures:
DESedeKeySpec | The key specification for a triple-DES (DES-EDE) key. |
DESKeySpec | The key specification for a DES key. |
DHGenParameterSpec | The algorithm parameter specification for generating Diffie-Hellman parameters used in Diffie-Hellman key agreement. |
DHParameterSpec | The algorithm parameter specification for the Diffie-Hellman algorithm. |
DHPrivateKeySpec | The key specification for a Diffie-Hellman private key. |
DHPublicKeySpec | The key specification for a Diffie-Hellman public key. |
GCMParameterSpec | Provides a the parameters for an instance of a Cipher
using Galois/Counter Mode (GCM). |
IvParameterSpec | The algorithm parameter specification for an initialization vector. |
OAEPParameterSpec | The algorithm parameter specification for the OAEP Padding algorithm. |
PBEKeySpec | The key specification for a password based encryption key. |
PBEParameterSpec | The algorithm parameter specification for a password based encryption algorithm. |
PSource | The source of the label L as specified in PKCS #1. |
PSource.PSpecified | The explicit specification of the parameter P used in the
source algorithm. |
RC2ParameterSpec | The algorithm parameter specification for the RC2 algorithm. |
RC5ParameterSpec | The algorithm parameter specification for the RC5 algorithm. |
SecretKeySpec | A key specification for a SecretKey and also a secret key
implementation that is provider-independent. |