Android APIs


TvContract.BaseTvColumns Common base for the tables of TV channels/programs. 
TvView.OnUnhandledInputEventListener Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the unhandled input event is received. 



The contract between the TV provider and applications. 

TvContract.Channels Column definitions for the TV channels table. 
TvContract.Channels.Logo A sub-directory of a single TV channel that represents its primary logo. 
TvContract.Programs Column definitions for the TV programs table. 
TvContract.Programs.Genres Canonical genres for TV programs. 
TvInputInfo This class is used to specify meta information of a TV input. 
TvInputManager Central system API to the overall TV input framework (TIF) architecture, which arbitrates interaction between applications and the selected TV inputs. 
TvInputManager.TvInputListener Interface used to monitor status of the TV input. 
TvInputService The TvInputService class represents a TV input or source such as HDMI or built-in tuner which provides pass-through video or broadcast TV programs. 
TvInputService.Session Base class for derived classes to implement to provide a TV input session. 
TvView View playing TV  
TvView.TvInputListener Interface used to receive various status updates on the TvView