ColorSpaceTransform | Immutable class for describing a 3x3 matrix of Rational values in row-major order. |
Face | Describes a face detected in an image. |
LensShadingMap | Immutable class for describing a 4 x N x M lens shading map of floats. |
MeteringRectangle | An immutable class to represent a rectangle (x, y, width, height) with an additional
weight component. |
RggbChannelVector | Immutable class to store a 4-element vector of floats indexable by a bayer RAW 2x2 pixel block. |
StreamConfigurationMap | Immutable class to store the available stream
configurations to set up
Surfaces for creating a
capture session with
createCaptureSession(List . |
TonemapCurve | Immutable class for describing a 2 x M x 3 tonemap curve of floats. |