Android APIs
public abstract class


extends Object
implements AutoCloseable
   ↳ android.hardware.camera2.CameraDevice

Class Overview

The CameraDevice class is a representation of a single camera connected to an Android device, allowing for fine-grain control of image capture and post-processing at high frame rates.

Your application must declare the Camera permission in its manifest in order to access camera devices.

A given camera device may provide support at one of two levels: limited or full. If a device only supports the limited level, then Camera2 exposes a feature set that is roughly equivalent to the older Camera API, although with a cleaner and more efficient interface. Devices that implement the full level of support provide substantially improved capabilities over the older camera API. Applications that target the limited level devices will run unchanged on the full-level devices; if your application requires a full-level device for proper operation, declare the "android.hardware.camera2.full" feature in your manifest.


Nested Classes
class CameraDevice.CaptureListener This class is deprecated. Use CameraCaptureSession.CaptureListener instead  
class CameraDevice.StateListener A listener for notifications about the state of a camera device. 
int TEMPLATE_MANUAL A basic template for direct application control of capture parameters.
int TEMPLATE_PREVIEW Create a request suitable for a camera preview window.
int TEMPLATE_RECORD Create a request suitable for video recording.
int TEMPLATE_STILL_CAPTURE Create a request suitable for still image capture.
int TEMPLATE_VIDEO_SNAPSHOT Create a request suitable for still image capture while recording video.
int TEMPLATE_ZERO_SHUTTER_LAG Create a request suitable for zero shutter lag still capture.
Public Methods
abstract int capture(CaptureRequest request, CameraDevice.CaptureListener listener, Handler handler)
abstract int captureBurst(List<CaptureRequest> requests, CameraDevice.CaptureListener listener, Handler handler)
abstract void close()
Close the connection to this camera device as quickly as possible.
abstract void configureOutputs(List<Surface> outputs)
abstract CaptureRequest.Builder createCaptureRequest(int templateType)

Create a CaptureRequest.Builder for new capture requests, initialized with template for a target use case.

abstract void createCaptureSession(List<Surface> outputs, CameraCaptureSession.StateListener listener, Handler handler)

Create a new camera capture session by providing the target output set of Surfaces to the camera device.

abstract void flush()
This method is deprecated. Use abortCaptures() instead
abstract String getId()
Get the ID of this camera device.
abstract int setRepeatingBurst(List<CaptureRequest> requests, CameraDevice.CaptureListener listener, Handler handler)
abstract int setRepeatingRequest(CaptureRequest request, CameraDevice.CaptureListener listener, Handler handler)
abstract void stopRepeating()
This method is deprecated. Use stopRepeating() instead
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object
From interface java.lang.AutoCloseable


public static final int TEMPLATE_MANUAL

A basic template for direct application control of capture parameters. All automatic control is disabled (auto-exposure, auto-white balance, auto-focus), and post-processing parameters are set to preview quality. The manual capture parameters (exposure, sensitivity, and so on) are set to reasonable defaults, but should be overriden by the application depending on the intended use case.

Constant Value: 6 (0x00000006)

public static final int TEMPLATE_PREVIEW

Create a request suitable for a camera preview window. Specifically, this means that high frame rate is given priority over the highest-quality post-processing. These requests would normally be used with the setRepeatingRequest(CaptureRequest, CameraCaptureSession.CaptureListener, Handler) method.

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)

public static final int TEMPLATE_RECORD

Create a request suitable for video recording. Specifically, this means that a stable frame rate is used, and post-processing is set for recording quality. These requests would commonly be used with the setRepeatingRequest(CaptureRequest, CameraCaptureSession.CaptureListener, Handler) method.

Constant Value: 3 (0x00000003)

public static final int TEMPLATE_STILL_CAPTURE

Create a request suitable for still image capture. Specifically, this means prioritizing image quality over frame rate. These requests would commonly be used with the capture(CaptureRequest, CameraCaptureSession.CaptureListener, Handler) method.

Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)

public static final int TEMPLATE_VIDEO_SNAPSHOT

Create a request suitable for still image capture while recording video. Specifically, this means maximizing image quality without disrupting the ongoing recording. These requests would commonly be used with the capture(CaptureRequest, CameraCaptureSession.CaptureListener, Handler) method while a request based on TEMPLATE_RECORD is is in use with setRepeatingRequest(CaptureRequest, CameraCaptureSession.CaptureListener, Handler).

Constant Value: 4 (0x00000004)

public static final int TEMPLATE_ZERO_SHUTTER_LAG

Create a request suitable for zero shutter lag still capture. This means means maximizing image quality without compromising preview frame rate. AE/AWB/AF should be on auto mode.

Constant Value: 5 (0x00000005)

Public Methods

public abstract int capture (CaptureRequest request, CameraDevice.CaptureListener listener, Handler handler)

This method is deprecated.
Use capture(CaptureRequest, CameraCaptureSession.CaptureListener, Handler) instead

Submit a request for an image to be captured by this CameraDevice.

public abstract int captureBurst (List<CaptureRequest> requests, CameraDevice.CaptureListener listener, Handler handler)

This method is deprecated.
Use captureBurst(List, CameraCaptureSession.CaptureListener, Handler) instead

Submit a list of requests to be captured in sequence as a burst.

public abstract void close ()

Close the connection to this camera device as quickly as possible.

Immediately after this call, all calls to the camera device or active session interface will throw a IllegalStateException, except for calls to close(). Once the device has fully shut down, the onClosed(CameraDevice) callback will be called, and the camera is free to be re-opened.

Immediately after this call, besides the final onClosed(CameraDevice) calls, no further callbacks from the device or the active session will occur, and any remaining submitted capture requests will be discarded, as if abortCaptures() had been called, except that no success or failure callbacks will be invoked.

public abstract void configureOutputs (List<Surface> outputs)

This method is deprecated.
Use createCaptureSession(List, CameraCaptureSession.StateListener, Handler) instead

Set up a new output set of Surfaces for the camera device.

public abstract CaptureRequest.Builder createCaptureRequest (int templateType)

Create a CaptureRequest.Builder for new capture requests, initialized with template for a target use case. The settings are chosen to be the best options for the specific camera device, so it is not recommended to reuse the same request for a different camera device; create a builder specific for that device and template and override the settings as desired, instead.

templateType An enumeration selecting the use case for this request; one of the CameraDevice.TEMPLATE_ values.
  • a builder for a capture request, initialized with default settings for that template, and no output streams
IllegalArgumentException if the templateType is not in the list of supported templates.
CameraAccessException if the camera device is no longer connected or has encountered a fatal error
IllegalStateException if the camera device has been closed

public abstract void createCaptureSession (List<Surface> outputs, CameraCaptureSession.StateListener listener, Handler handler)

Create a new camera capture session by providing the target output set of Surfaces to the camera device.

The active capture session determines the set of potential output Surfaces for the camera device for each capture request. A given request may use all or a only some of the outputs. Once the CameraCaptureSession is created, requests can be can be submitted with capture, captureBurst, setRepeatingRequest, or setRepeatingBurst.

Surfaces suitable for inclusion as a camera output can be created for various use cases and targets:

The camera device will query each Surface's size and formats upon this call, so they must be set to a valid setting at this time.

It can take several hundred milliseconds for the session's configuration to complete, since camera hardware may need to be powered on or reconfigured. Once the configuration is complete and the session is ready to actually capture data, the provided CameraCaptureSession.StateListener's onConfigured(CameraCaptureSession) callback will be called.

If a prior CameraCaptureSession already exists when a new one is created, the previous session is closed. Any in-progress capture requests made on the prior session will be completed before the new session is configured and is able to start capturing its own requests. To minimize the transition time, the abortCaptures() call can be used to discard the remaining requests for the prior capture session before a new one is created. Note that once the new session is created, the old one can no longer have its captures aborted.

Using larger resolution outputs, or more outputs, can result in slower output rate from the device.

Configuring a session with an empty or null list will close the current session, if any. This can be used to release the current session's target surfaces for another use.

outputs The new set of Surfaces that should be made available as targets for captured image data.
listener The listener to notify about the status of the new capture session.
handler The handler on which the listener should be invoked, or null to use the current thread's looper.
IllegalArgumentException if the set of output Surfaces do not meet the requirements, the listener is null, or the handler is null but the current thread has no looper.
CameraAccessException if the camera device is no longer connected or has encountered a fatal error
IllegalStateException if the camera device has been closed

public abstract void flush ()

This method is deprecated.
Use abortCaptures() instead

Flush all captures currently pending and in-progress as fast as possible.

public abstract String getId ()

Get the ID of this camera device.

This matches the ID given to openCamera(String, CameraDevice.StateListener, Handler) to instantiate this this camera device.

This ID can be used to query the camera device's fixed properties with getCameraCharacteristics(String).

This method can be called even if the device has been closed or has encountered a serious error.

  • the ID for this camera device

public abstract int setRepeatingBurst (List<CaptureRequest> requests, CameraDevice.CaptureListener listener, Handler handler)

This method is deprecated.
Use setRepeatingBurst(List, CameraCaptureSession.CaptureListener, Handler) instead

Request endlessly repeating capture of a sequence of images by this CameraDevice.

public abstract int setRepeatingRequest (CaptureRequest request, CameraDevice.CaptureListener listener, Handler handler)

This method is deprecated.
Use setRepeatingRequest(CaptureRequest, CameraCaptureSession.CaptureListener, Handler) instead

Request endlessly repeating capture of images by this CameraDevice.

public abstract void stopRepeating ()

This method is deprecated.
Use stopRepeating() instead

Cancel any ongoing repeating capture set by either setRepeatingRequest or setRepeatingBurst(List, CameraDevice.CaptureListener, Handler).