Android APIs
public static final class


extends Object
implements TvContract.BaseTvColumns

Class Overview

Column definitions for the TV channels table.


Nested Classes
class TvContract.Channels.Logo A sub-directory of a single TV channel that represents its primary logo. 
String COLUMN_BROWSABLE The flag indicating whether this TV channel is browsable or not.
String COLUMN_DESCRIPTION The description of this TV channel.
String COLUMN_DISPLAY_NAME The channel name that is displayed to the user.
String COLUMN_DISPLAY_NUMBER The channel number that is displayed to the user.
String COLUMN_INTERNAL_PROVIDER_DATA Internal data used by individual TV input services.
String COLUMN_ORIGINAL_NETWORK_ID The original network ID of this TV channel.
String COLUMN_SEARCHABLE The flag indicating whether this TV channel is searchable or not.
String COLUMN_SERVICE_ID The service ID of this channel.
String COLUMN_SERVICE_NAME The name of the TvInputService subclass that provides this TV channel.
String COLUMN_SERVICE_TYPE The predefined service type of this TV channel.
String COLUMN_TRANSPORT_STREAM_ID The transport stream ID of this channel.
String COLUMN_TYPE The predefined type of this TV channel.
String COLUMN_VERSION_NUMBER The version number of this row entry used by TV input services.
String CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE The MIME type of a single TV channel.
String CONTENT_TYPE The MIME type of a directory of TV channels.
int SERVICE_TYPE_AUDIO The service type for radio channels that have audio only.
int SERVICE_TYPE_AUDIO_VIDEO The service type for regular TV channels that have both audio and video.
int SERVICE_TYPE_OTHER A generic service type.
int TYPE_1SEG The channel type for 1seg (handheld).
int TYPE_ATSC_C The channel type for ATSC (cable).
int TYPE_ATSC_M_H The channel type for ATSC-M/H (mobile/handheld).
int TYPE_ATSC_T The channel type for ATSC (terrestrial).
int TYPE_CMMB The channel type for CMMB (handheld).
int TYPE_DTMB The channel type for DTMB (terrestrial).
int TYPE_DVB_C The channel type for DVB-C (cable).
int TYPE_DVB_C2 The channel type for DVB-C2 (cable).
int TYPE_DVB_H The channel type for DVB-H (handheld).
int TYPE_DVB_S The channel type for DVB-S (satellite).
int TYPE_DVB_S2 The channel type for DVB-S2 (satellite).
int TYPE_DVB_SH The channel type for DVB-SH (satellite).
int TYPE_DVB_T The channel type for DVB-T (terrestrial).
int TYPE_DVB_T2 The channel type for DVB-T2 (terrestrial).
int TYPE_ISDB_C The channel type for ISDB-C (cable).
int TYPE_ISDB_S The channel type for ISDB-S (satellite).
int TYPE_ISDB_T The channel type for ISDB-T (terrestrial).
int TYPE_ISDB_TB The channel type for ISDB-Tb (Brazil).
int TYPE_OTHER A generic channel type.
int TYPE_PASSTHROUGH The special channel type used for pass-through inputs such as HDMI.
int TYPE_S_DMB The channel type for S-DMB (satellite).
int TYPE_T_DMB The channel type for T-DMB (terrestrial).
Inherited Constants
From interface
From interface android.provider.BaseColumns
public static final Uri CONTENT_URI The content:// style URI for this table.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


public static final String COLUMN_BROWSABLE

The flag indicating whether this TV channel is browsable or not.

A value of 1 indicates the channel is included in the channel list that applications use to browse channels, a value of 0 indicates the channel is not included in the list. If not specified, this value is set to 1 (browsable) by default.

Type: INTEGER (boolean)

Constant Value: "browsable"

public static final String COLUMN_DESCRIPTION

The description of this TV channel.

Can be empty initially.

Type: TEXT

Constant Value: "description"

public static final String COLUMN_DISPLAY_NAME

The channel name that is displayed to the user.

A call sign is a good candidate to use for this purpose but any name that helps the user recognize the current channel will be enough. Can also be empty depending on broadcast standard.

Type: TEXT

Constant Value: "display_name"

public static final String COLUMN_DISPLAY_NUMBER

The channel number that is displayed to the user.

The format can vary depending on broadcast standard and product specification.

Type: TEXT

Constant Value: "display_number"

public static final String COLUMN_INTERNAL_PROVIDER_DATA

Internal data used by individual TV input services.

This is internal to the provider that inserted it, and should not be decoded by other apps.

Type: BLOB

Constant Value: "internal_provider_data"

public static final String COLUMN_ORIGINAL_NETWORK_ID

The original network ID of this TV channel.

This is used to identify the originating delivery system, if applicable. Use the same coding for original_network_id in the underlying broadcast standard if it is defined there (e.g. ETSI EN 300 468/TR 101 211 and ARIB STD-B10). If channels cannot be globally identified by 2-tuple {COLUMN_TRANSPORT_STREAM_ID, COLUMN_SERVICE_ID}, one must carefully assign a value to this field to form a unique 3-tuple identification {COLUMN_ORIGINAL_NETWORK_ID, COLUMN_TRANSPORT_STREAM_ID, COLUMN_SERVICE_ID} for its channels.

This is a required field if the channel cannot be uniquely identified by a 2-tuple {COLUMN_TRANSPORT_STREAM_ID, COLUMN_SERVICE_ID}.


Constant Value: "original_network_id"

public static final String COLUMN_SEARCHABLE

The flag indicating whether this TV channel is searchable or not.

In some regions, it is not allowed to surface search results for a given channel without broadcaster's consent. This is used to impose such restriction. A value of 1 indicates the channel is searchable and can be included in search results, a value of 0 indicates the channel and its TV programs are hidden from search. If not specified, this value is set to 1 (searchable) by default.

Type: INTEGER (boolean)

Constant Value: "searchable"

public static final String COLUMN_SERVICE_ID

The service ID of this channel.

This is used to identify the current service (roughly equivalent to channel) from any other service within the Transport Stream, if applicable. Use the same coding for service_id in the underlying broadcast standard if it is defined there (e.g. ETSI EN 300 468 and ARIB STD-B10) or program_number (which usually has the same value as service_id) in ISO/IEC 13818-1 if the channel is transmitted via the MPEG Transport Stream.

This is a required field if the current channel is transmitted via the MPEG Transport Stream.


Constant Value: "service_id"

public static final String COLUMN_SERVICE_NAME

The name of the TvInputService subclass that provides this TV channel. This should be a fully qualified class name (such as, "com.example.project.TvInputService").

This is a required field.

Type: TEXT

Constant Value: "service_name"

public static final String COLUMN_SERVICE_TYPE

The predefined service type of this TV channel.

This is primarily used to indicate whether the current channel is a regular TV channel or a radio-like channel. Use the same coding for service_type in the underlying broadcast standard if it is defined there (e.g. ATSC A/53, ETSI EN 300 468 and ARIB STD-B10). Otherwise use one of the followings: SERVICE_TYPE_OTHER, SERVICE_TYPE_AUDIO_VIDEO, SERVICE_TYPE_AUDIO

This is a required field.


Constant Value: "service_type"

public static final String COLUMN_TRANSPORT_STREAM_ID

The transport stream ID of this channel.

This is used to identify the Transport Stream that contains the current channel from any other multiplex within a network, if applicable. Use the same coding for transport_stream_id defined in ISO/IEC 13818-1 if the channel is transmitted via the MPEG Transport Stream as is the case for many digital broadcast standards.

This is a required field if the current channel is transmitted via the MPEG Transport Stream.


Constant Value: "transport_stream_id"

public static final String COLUMN_TYPE

The predefined type of this TV channel.

This is primarily used to indicate which broadcast standard (e.g. ATSC, DVB or ISDB) the current channel conforms to, with an exception being TYPE_PASSTHROUGH, which is a special channel type used only by pass-through inputs such as HDMI. The value should match to one of the followings: TYPE_OTHER, TYPE_PASSTHROUGH, TYPE_DVB_T, TYPE_DVB_T2, TYPE_DVB_S, TYPE_DVB_S2, TYPE_DVB_C, TYPE_DVB_C2, TYPE_DVB_H, TYPE_DVB_SH, TYPE_ATSC_T, TYPE_ATSC_C, TYPE_ATSC_M_H, TYPE_ISDB_T, TYPE_ISDB_TB, TYPE_ISDB_S, TYPE_ISDB_C TYPE_1SEG, TYPE_DTMB, TYPE_CMMB, TYPE_T_DMB, TYPE_S_DMB

This is a required field.


Constant Value: "type"

public static final String COLUMN_VERSION_NUMBER

The version number of this row entry used by TV input services.

This is best used by sync adapters to identify the rows to update. The number can be defined by individual TV input services. One may assign the same value as version_number that appears in ETSI EN 300 468 or ATSC A/65, if the data are coming from a TV broadcast.


Constant Value: "version_number"

public static final String CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE

The MIME type of a single TV channel.

Constant Value: ""

public static final String CONTENT_TYPE

The MIME type of a directory of TV channels.

Constant Value: ""

public static final int SERVICE_TYPE_AUDIO

The service type for radio channels that have audio only.

Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)

public static final int SERVICE_TYPE_AUDIO_VIDEO

The service type for regular TV channels that have both audio and video.

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)

public static final int SERVICE_TYPE_OTHER

A generic service type.

Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)

public static final int TYPE_1SEG

The channel type for 1seg (handheld).

Constant Value: 263168 (0x00040400)

public static final int TYPE_ATSC_C

The channel type for ATSC (cable).

Constant Value: 197120 (0x00030200)

public static final int TYPE_ATSC_M_H

The channel type for ATSC-M/H (mobile/handheld).

Constant Value: 197376 (0x00030300)

public static final int TYPE_ATSC_T

The channel type for ATSC (terrestrial).

Constant Value: 196608 (0x00030000)

public static final int TYPE_CMMB

The channel type for CMMB (handheld).

Constant Value: 327936 (0x00050100)

public static final int TYPE_DTMB

The channel type for DTMB (terrestrial).

Constant Value: 327680 (0x00050000)

public static final int TYPE_DVB_C

The channel type for DVB-C (cable).

Constant Value: 131584 (0x00020200)

public static final int TYPE_DVB_C2

The channel type for DVB-C2 (cable).

Constant Value: 131585 (0x00020201)

public static final int TYPE_DVB_H

The channel type for DVB-H (handheld).

Constant Value: 131840 (0x00020300)

public static final int TYPE_DVB_S

The channel type for DVB-S (satellite).

Constant Value: 131328 (0x00020100)

public static final int TYPE_DVB_S2

The channel type for DVB-S2 (satellite).

Constant Value: 131329 (0x00020101)

public static final int TYPE_DVB_SH

The channel type for DVB-SH (satellite).

Constant Value: 132096 (0x00020400)

public static final int TYPE_DVB_T

The channel type for DVB-T (terrestrial).

Constant Value: 131072 (0x00020000)

public static final int TYPE_DVB_T2

The channel type for DVB-T2 (terrestrial).

Constant Value: 131073 (0x00020001)

public static final int TYPE_ISDB_C

The channel type for ISDB-C (cable).

Constant Value: 262912 (0x00040300)

public static final int TYPE_ISDB_S

The channel type for ISDB-S (satellite).

Constant Value: 262656 (0x00040200)

public static final int TYPE_ISDB_T

The channel type for ISDB-T (terrestrial).

Constant Value: 262144 (0x00040000)

public static final int TYPE_ISDB_TB

The channel type for ISDB-Tb (Brazil).

Constant Value: 262400 (0x00040100)

public static final int TYPE_OTHER

A generic channel type.

Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)

public static final int TYPE_PASSTHROUGH

The special channel type used for pass-through inputs such as HDMI.

Constant Value: 65536 (0x00010000)

public static final int TYPE_S_DMB

The channel type for S-DMB (satellite).

Constant Value: 393472 (0x00060100)

public static final int TYPE_T_DMB

The channel type for T-DMB (terrestrial).

Constant Value: 393216 (0x00060000)


public static final Uri CONTENT_URI

The content:// style URI for this table.