Android APIs
public final class


extends Object

Class Overview

Central system API to the overall TV input framework (TIF) architecture, which arbitrates interaction between applications and the selected TV inputs.


Nested Classes
class TvInputManager.TvInputListener Interface used to monitor status of the TV input. 
Public Methods
boolean getAvailability(String inputId)
Returns the availability of a given TV input.
List<TvInputInfo> getTvInputList()
Returns the complete list of TV inputs on the system.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Methods

public boolean getAvailability (String inputId)

Returns the availability of a given TV input.

inputId the id of the TV input.
IllegalArgumentException if the argument is null.
IllegalStateException If there is no TvInputManager.TvInputListener registered on the given TV input.

public List<TvInputInfo> getTvInputList ()

Returns the complete list of TV inputs on the system.

  • List of TvInputInfo for each TV input that describes its meta information.