Android APIs
public static final class


extends Object

Class Overview

Canonical genres for TV programs.


String ANIMAL_WILDLIFE The genre for Animal/Wildlife.
String COMEDY The genre for Comedy.
String DRAMA The genre for Drama.
String EDUCATION The genre for Education.
String FAMILY_KIDS The genre for Family/Kids.
String GAMING The genre for Gaming.
String MOVIES The genre for Movies.
String NEWS The genre for News.
String SHOPPING The genre for Shopping.
String SPORTS The genre for Sports.
String TRAVEL The genre for Travel.
Public Methods
static String[] decode(String genres)
Decodes the canonical genre strings from the text stored in the database.
static String encode(String... genres)
Encodes canonical genre strings to a text that can be put into the database.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


public static final String ANIMAL_WILDLIFE

The genre for Animal/Wildlife.

Constant Value: "Animal/Wildlife"

public static final String COMEDY

The genre for Comedy.

Constant Value: "Comedy"

public static final String DRAMA

The genre for Drama.

Constant Value: "Drama"

public static final String EDUCATION

The genre for Education.

Constant Value: "Education"

public static final String FAMILY_KIDS

The genre for Family/Kids.

Constant Value: "Family/Kids"

public static final String GAMING

The genre for Gaming.

Constant Value: "Gaming"

public static final String MOVIES

The genre for Movies.

Constant Value: "Movies"

public static final String NEWS

The genre for News.

Constant Value: "News"

public static final String SHOPPING

The genre for Shopping.

Constant Value: "Shopping"

public static final String SPORTS

The genre for Sports.

Constant Value: "Sports"

public static final String TRAVEL

The genre for Travel.

Constant Value: "Travel"

Public Methods

public static String[] decode (String genres)

Decodes the canonical genre strings from the text stored in the database.

genres The encoded genre string retrieved from the COLUMN_CANONICAL_GENRE column.
  • canonical genre strings.

public static String encode (String... genres)

Encodes canonical genre strings to a text that can be put into the database.

genres Canonical genre strings. Use the strings defined in this class.