Android APIs
public static class


extends Object
   ↳ android.inputmethodservice.Keyboard.Row

Class Overview

Container for keys in the keyboard. All keys in a row are at the same Y-coordinate. Some of the key size defaults can be overridden per row from what the Keyboard defines.


XML Attributes
Attribute Name Related Method Description
android:horizontalGap Default horizontal gap between keys. 
android:keyHeight Default height of a key, in pixels or percentage of display width. 
android:keyWidth Default width of a key, in pixels or percentage of display width. 
android:keyboardMode Mode of the keyboard. 
android:rowEdgeFlags Row edge flags. 
android:verticalGap Default vertical gap between rows of keys. 
public int defaultHeight Default height of a key in this row.
public int defaultHorizontalGap Default horizontal gap between keys in this row.
public int defaultWidth Default width of a key in this row.
public int mode The keyboard mode for this row
public int rowEdgeFlags Edge flags for this row of keys.
public int verticalGap Vertical gap following this row.
Public Constructors
Keyboard.Row(Keyboard parent)
Keyboard.Row(Resources res, Keyboard parent, XmlResourceParser parser)
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

XML Attributes


Default horizontal gap between keys.

May be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp". Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size), in (inches), mm (millimeters).

May be a fractional value, which is a floating point number appended with either % or %p, such as "14.5%". The % suffix always means a percentage of the base size; the optional %p suffix provides a size relative to some parent container.

This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form "@[package:]type:name") or theme attribute (in the form "?[package:][type:]name") containing a value of this type.

This corresponds to the global attribute resource symbol horizontalGap.

Related Methods


Default height of a key, in pixels or percentage of display width.

May be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp". Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size), in (inches), mm (millimeters).

May be a fractional value, which is a floating point number appended with either % or %p, such as "14.5%". The % suffix always means a percentage of the base size; the optional %p suffix provides a size relative to some parent container.

This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form "@[package:]type:name") or theme attribute (in the form "?[package:][type:]name") containing a value of this type.

This corresponds to the global attribute resource symbol keyHeight.

Related Methods


Default width of a key, in pixels or percentage of display width.

May be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp". Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size), in (inches), mm (millimeters).

May be a fractional value, which is a floating point number appended with either % or %p, such as "14.5%". The % suffix always means a percentage of the base size; the optional %p suffix provides a size relative to some parent container.

This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form "@[package:]type:name") or theme attribute (in the form "?[package:][type:]name") containing a value of this type.

This corresponds to the global attribute resource symbol keyWidth.

Related Methods


Mode of the keyboard. If the mode doesn't match the requested keyboard mode, the row will be skipped.

Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name" or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name".

This corresponds to the global attribute resource symbol keyboardMode.

Related Methods


Row edge flags.

Must be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values.

top4 Row is anchored to the top of the keyboard.
bottom8 Row is anchored to the bottom of the keyboard.

This corresponds to the global attribute resource symbol rowEdgeFlags.

Related Methods


Default vertical gap between rows of keys.

May be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp". Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size), in (inches), mm (millimeters).

May be a fractional value, which is a floating point number appended with either % or %p, such as "14.5%". The % suffix always means a percentage of the base size; the optional %p suffix provides a size relative to some parent container.

This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form "@[package:]type:name") or theme attribute (in the form "?[package:][type:]name") containing a value of this type.

This corresponds to the global attribute resource symbol verticalGap.

Related Methods


public int defaultHeight

Added in API level 3

Default height of a key in this row.

public int defaultHorizontalGap

Added in API level 3

Default horizontal gap between keys in this row.

public int defaultWidth

Added in API level 3

Default width of a key in this row.

public int mode

Added in API level 3

The keyboard mode for this row

public int rowEdgeFlags

Added in API level 3

Edge flags for this row of keys. Possible values that can be assigned are EDGE_TOP and EDGE_BOTTOM

public int verticalGap

Added in API level 3

Vertical gap following this row.

Public Constructors

public Keyboard.Row (Keyboard parent)

Added in API level 3

public Keyboard.Row (Resources res, Keyboard parent, XmlResourceParser parser)

Added in API level 3