Android APIs
public abstract class


extends Presenter

Class Overview

An abstract Presenter for rendering a detailed description of an item. Typically this Presenter will be used in a DetailsOveriewRowPresenter.

Subclasses will override onBindDescription(AbstractDetailsDescriptionPresenter.ViewHolder, Object) to implement the data binding for this Presenter.


Nested Classes
class AbstractDetailsDescriptionPresenter.ViewHolder  
Public Constructors
Public Methods
final void onBindViewHolder(Presenter.ViewHolder viewHolder, Object item)
Binds a View to an item.
final AbstractDetailsDescriptionPresenter.ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent)
Creates a new View.
void onUnbindViewHolder(Presenter.ViewHolder viewHolder)
Unbinds a View from an item.
Protected Methods
abstract void onBindDescription(AbstractDetailsDescriptionPresenter.ViewHolder vh, Object item)
Binds the data from the item referenced in the DetailsOverviewRow to the ViewHolder.
Inherited Methods
From class
From class java.lang.Object

Public Constructors

public AbstractDetailsDescriptionPresenter ()

Public Methods

public final void onBindViewHolder (Presenter.ViewHolder viewHolder, Object item)

Binds a View to an item.

public final AbstractDetailsDescriptionPresenter.ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder (ViewGroup parent)

Creates a new View.

public void onUnbindViewHolder (Presenter.ViewHolder viewHolder)

Unbinds a View from an item. Any expensive references may be released here, and any fields that are not bound for every item should be cleared here.

Protected Methods

protected abstract void onBindDescription (AbstractDetailsDescriptionPresenter.ViewHolder vh, Object item)

Binds the data from the item referenced in the DetailsOverviewRow to the ViewHolder.

vh The ViewHolder for this details description view.
item The item from the DetailsOverviewRow being presented.