Android APIs
public static class


extends Object

Class Overview

Contains useful information about the current RecyclerView state like target scroll position or view focus. State object can also keep arbitrary data, identified by resource ids.

Often times, RecyclerView components will need to pass information between each other. To provide a well defined data bus between components, RecyclerView passes the same State object to component callbacks and these components can use it to exchange data.

If you implement custom components, you can use State's put/get/remove methods to pass data between your components without needing to manage their lifecycles.


Public Constructors
Public Methods
boolean didStructureChange()
<T> T get(int resourceId)
Gets the Object mapped from the specified id, or null if no such data exists.
int getItemCount()
int getTargetScrollPosition()
If scroll is triggered to make a certain item visible, this value will return the adapter index of that item.
boolean hasTargetScrollPosition()
Returns if current scroll has a target position.
boolean isPreLayout()
void put(int resourceId, Object data)
Adds a mapping from the specified id to the specified value, replacing the previous mapping from the specified key if there was one.
void remove(int resourceId)
Removes the mapping from the specified id, if there was any.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Constructors

public RecyclerView.State ()

Public Methods

public boolean didStructureChange ()

  • true if the structure of the data set has changed since the last call to onLayoutChildren, false otherwise

public T get (int resourceId)

Gets the Object mapped from the specified id, or null if no such data exists.

resourceId Id of the resource you want to remove. It is suggested to use* to preserve cross functionality and avoid conflicts.

public int getItemCount ()

  • Total number of items to be laid out. Note that, this number is not necessarily equal to the number of items in the adapter, so you should always use this number for your position calculations and never call adapter directly.

public int getTargetScrollPosition ()

If scroll is triggered to make a certain item visible, this value will return the adapter index of that item.

  • Adapter index of the target item or NO_POSITION if there is no target position.

public boolean hasTargetScrollPosition ()

Returns if current scroll has a target position.

  • true if scroll is being triggered to make a certain position visible

public boolean isPreLayout ()

public void put (int resourceId, Object data)

Adds a mapping from the specified id to the specified value, replacing the previous mapping from the specified key if there was one.

resourceId Id of the resource you want to add. It is suggested to use* to preserve cross functionality and avoid conflicts.
data The data you want to associate with the resourceId.

public void remove (int resourceId)

Removes the mapping from the specified id, if there was any.

resourceId Id of the resource you want to remove. It is suggested to use* to preserve cross functionality and avoid conflicts.