Android APIs
public class


extends Object
   ↳ android.webkit.GeolocationPermissions

Class Overview

This class is used to manage permissions for the WebView's Geolocation JavaScript API. Geolocation permissions are applied to an origin, which consists of the host, scheme and port of a URI. In order for web content to use the Geolocation API, permission must be granted for that content's origin. This class stores Geolocation permissions. An origin's permission state can be either allowed or denied. This class uses Strings to represent an origin. When an origin attempts to use the Geolocation API, but no permission state is currently set for that origin, WebChromeClient.onGeolocationPermissionsShowPrompt() is called. This allows the permission state to be set for that origin. The methods of this class can be used to modify and interrogate the stored Geolocation permissions at any time.


Nested Classes
interface GeolocationPermissions.Callback A callback interface used by the host application to set the Geolocation permission state for an origin. 
Public Methods
void allow(String origin)
Allows the specified origin to use the Geolocation API.
void clear(String origin)
Clears the Geolocation permission state for the specified origin.
void clearAll()
Clears the Geolocation permission state for all origins.
void getAllowed(String origin, ValueCallback<Boolean> callback)
Gets the Geolocation permission state for the specified origin.
static GeolocationPermissions getInstance()
Gets the singleton instance of this class.
void getOrigins(ValueCallback<Set<String>> callback)
Gets the set of origins for which Geolocation permissions are stored.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Methods

public void allow (String origin)

Added in API level 7

Allows the specified origin to use the Geolocation API.

origin the origin for which Geolocation API use is allowed

public void clear (String origin)

Added in API level 7

Clears the Geolocation permission state for the specified origin.

origin the origin for which Geolocation permissions are cleared

public void clearAll ()

Added in API level 7

Clears the Geolocation permission state for all origins.

public void getAllowed (String origin, ValueCallback<Boolean> callback)

Added in API level 7

Gets the Geolocation permission state for the specified origin.

origin the origin for which Geolocation permission is requested
callback a ValueCallback to receive the result of this request. This object's onReceiveValue() method will be invoked asynchronously with a boolean indicating whether or not the origin can use the Geolocation API.

public static GeolocationPermissions getInstance ()

Added in API level 7

Gets the singleton instance of this class. This method cannot be called before the application instantiates a WebView instance.


public void getOrigins (ValueCallback<Set<String>> callback)

Added in API level 7

Gets the set of origins for which Geolocation permissions are stored.

callback a ValueCallback to receive the result of this request. This object's onReceiveValue() method will be invoked asynchronously with a set of Strings containing the origins for which Geolocation permissions are stored.