Android APIs
public class


extends Object
   ↳ java.sql.DriverPropertyInfo

Class Overview

A class holding information about driver properties of a database connection. This class is returned by the getPropertyInfo(String, java.util.Properties) method and allows for the advanced connection handling.


public String[] choices If the value member can be chosen from a set of possible values, they are contained here.
public String description A description of the property.
public String name The name of the property.
public boolean required true when the value member must be provided during Driver.connect.
public String value The current value associated with this property.
Public Constructors
DriverPropertyInfo(String name, String value)
Creates a DriverPropertyInfo instance with the supplied name and value.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


public String[] choices

Added in API level 1

If the value member can be chosen from a set of possible values, they are contained here. Otherwise choices is null.

public String description

Added in API level 1

A description of the property. May be null.

public String name

Added in API level 1

The name of the property.

public boolean required

Added in API level 1

true when the value member must be provided during Driver.connect. false otherwise.

public String value

Added in API level 1

The current value associated with this property. It is depending on the data gathered by the getPropertyInfo method, the general Java environment and the driver's default values.

Public Constructors

public DriverPropertyInfo (String name, String value)

Added in API level 1

Creates a DriverPropertyInfo instance with the supplied name and value. Other class members take their default values.

name The property name.
value The property value.