Android APIs
Added in API level 5
protected static interface


Known Indirect Subclasses
See Also


String ACCOUNT_NAME The name of the account instance to which this row belongs.
String ACCOUNT_TYPE The type of account to which this row belongs, which when paired with ACCOUNT_NAME identifies a specific account.
String ANY_UNSYNCED Read-only flag indicating if this SHOULD_SYNC or any SHOULD_SYNC under this account have been marked as unsynced.
String DATA_SET The data set within the account that this row belongs to.
String SHOULD_SYNC Depending on the mode defined by the sync-adapter, this flag controls the top-level sync behavior for this data source.
String UNGROUPED_COUNT Read-only count of Contacts from a specific source that have no ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.GroupMembership entries.
String UNGROUPED_VISIBLE Flag indicating if contacts without any ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.GroupMembership entries should be visible in any user interface.
String UNGROUPED_WITH_PHONES Read-only count of Contacts from a specific source that have no ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.GroupMembership entries, and also have phone numbers.


public static final String ACCOUNT_NAME

Added in API level 5

The name of the account instance to which this row belongs.

Type: TEXT

Constant Value: "account_name"

public static final String ACCOUNT_TYPE

Added in API level 5

The type of account to which this row belongs, which when paired with ACCOUNT_NAME identifies a specific account.

Type: TEXT

Constant Value: "account_type"

public static final String ANY_UNSYNCED

Added in API level 5

Read-only flag indicating if this SHOULD_SYNC or any SHOULD_SYNC under this account have been marked as unsynced.

Constant Value: "any_unsynced"

public static final String DATA_SET

Added in API level 14

The data set within the account that this row belongs to. This allows multiple sync adapters for the same account type to distinguish between each others' data. This is empty by default, and is completely optional. It only needs to be populated if multiple sync adapters are entering distinct data for the same account type and account name.

Type: TEXT

Constant Value: "data_set"

public static final String SHOULD_SYNC

Added in API level 5

Depending on the mode defined by the sync-adapter, this flag controls the top-level sync behavior for this data source.

Type: INTEGER (boolean)

Constant Value: "should_sync"

public static final String UNGROUPED_COUNT

Added in API level 5

Read-only count of Contacts from a specific source that have no ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.GroupMembership entries.


Constant Value: "summ_count"

public static final String UNGROUPED_VISIBLE

Added in API level 5

Flag indicating if contacts without any ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.GroupMembership entries should be visible in any user interface.

Type: INTEGER (boolean)

Constant Value: "ungrouped_visible"

public static final String UNGROUPED_WITH_PHONES

Added in API level 5

Read-only count of Contacts from a specific source that have no ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.GroupMembership entries, and also have phone numbers.


Constant Value: "summ_phones"